When she’s not enjoying a Blue Bandito, you can find Jessica Rantamaki on her Peloton. We had the chance to meet up with Jessica and hear a little bit more about how she Found her Fire after a near-fatal accident.  


1. Tell us a little bit about how you Find Your Fire?

Since 2009, when I ran my first Peachtree Road Race, I fell in love with running. It helped me both physically and mentally. On July 1, 2017, I was in a near-fatal car accident that resulted in a spinal fracture and numerous intestinal injuries requiring hours of surgery. I was supposed to run my 7th PTRR in a few days, and I was devastated to find out that I would not be able to run for a significant amount of time. I went through physical therapy in the hospital, learning how to dress myself. I required assistance to do anything, shower, go to the bathroom, eat. And when in bed it hurt to move one inch. I was on very strong pain meds and felt like I would never be the same person I was. But my husband said I would not be the same, I would be better. My neurosurgeon recommended only walking when I was ready for it, and that was using a walker. But little by little I was able to walk without it. I also threw away the pain meds and vowed to only use over-the-counter medication when necessary. When I felt I was ready for more physical exercise my doctor suggested yoga, and maybe a stationary bike. But no running. My husband immediately went out and got me a very basic stationary bike that I could just barely pedal. For months it was an accomplishmen

t just to pedal lightly for 15 minutes. After six months my doctor cleared me to run again, and I am proud to say I ran a half marathon about six months after being cleared. In January of 2020 upgraded myself to a Peloton bike and I feel on fire every single time I use it. The instructors have coached me every step of the way and they have helped me become even more fit. One of my favorite instructors Christine D’Ercole says “it’s not

 your place on the leaderboard that counts, it’s the fact you are on the leaderboard.” Peloton motivates me every day to clip in and show up and just do my best. In 2021 I have already biked for 4000 minutes, competed in numerous challenges, and have the cardio health of a 20-year-old (according to my Garmin HR monitor). Every time my body moves, I consider it a victory. Look for me on the leaderboard! #gatorbait_inGA




2. What is your favorite StillFire beer and why? 

I love Blue Bandito. It goes perfectly with tacos, one of my all-time favorite foods. One of the other reasons I bike so much is due to my love of tacos and beer.




3. Any fun facts people might not know about you?

I was once a contestant on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” And by a contestant, I mean I passed the phone test (in 2005) and was invited to NYC to be in the audience where you had to take another grueling timed test (which I did not pass). But I still got to go to two live show tapings and hang out in NYC for two days.