In commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the invention of the Radler, StillFire introduces our take on Franz Xavier Kugler’s summer refresher. As the story goes, Franz retired from the railroad to open a tavern in the countryside by Munich situated near a bike path. Once the his first summer rush started in 1922, Franz realized thirsty cyclists were draining his beer kegs too quickly. He decided to extend his beer supply by mixing beer with overstocked lemon soda. The name “Radler” is a derivative of the German word for cyclist. It was illegal in Germany to sell a packaged beer mixed with another beverage until 1993. Thanks to decades of thousands of taverns mixing their own Radlers to satisfy local tastes, the original lemon soda is only one of hundreds of juice, syrup, and soda combinations that now comprise the modern Radler. Our version takes a light, easy-drinking summer ale and adds the pleasant citrus of ruby red grapefruit to create a hot weather fruity thirst quencher that is only 4.5% ABV. Whether you pedal your cycle over to StillFire or use a motorized vehicle, tip back a couple of Radlers and be sure to say a “Prost!” or two to old Franz.