HOW THE GAME WORKS: Our Queen of Hearts Game Board will be on display in the taproom with 54 randomly placed cards appearing face down on the board. Each card is numbered on the backside, 1-54 (2 Jokers are included). The goal is to find the Queen of hearts. Tickets are sold one week at a time with purchasers choosing a number from all of the cards left on the board. When a ticket is drawn weekly, the card on the board with the number on the ticket will be peeled back revealing a card. If it is the Queen of Hearts, the game is over and the owner of the raffle ticket wins half the pot.* If it is any other card, the post rolls over, all tickets are destroyed, new tickets are sold, and another drawing happens the following Tuesday. The process repeats, with the money prize growing, until the Queen of Hearts is revealed!
- $2 per raffle ticket (cash only)
- 50% to charity, 50% to Jackpot Winner
- QOH = Jackpot, Jokers = $100, Ace/Face = $50, Any Other Card = $25
- Drawn ticket gets pick of any available cards not already pulled
- Drawing every Tuesday night in taproom @ 8 pm
- If name drawn and not present, card on ticket will be chosen, win 25% of pot if winner
- New drawing each week, tickets disposed after each drawing
- Pot carries over if no jackpot winner, funds held at BBT
$2 tickets (cash only) are available during business hours at StillFire Brewing
*RULES OF THE GAME 1. To be eligible to play, you must be at least 18 years old. If your name is chosen, you must present your Driver’s License prior to drawing a card from the playing board. If you do not have your ID or do not meet the above criteria then another name will be drawn. 2. All raffle tickets are $2.00 per chance (prices will go up if certain pots thresholds are reached), with no limit on the number of tickets that may be purchased. Tickets may be purchased immediately after the weekly drawing and up until 30 minutes prior to the next week drawing. The price of the tickets will go up if the pot goes over $10K. Tickets will be sold behind the bar. 3. There can be only one name per ticket. Write your name, telephone number, and desired card # (should your name be selected and you not be present) legibly on the back of the ticket and return it to the bartender to be placed in the ticket drum. The other half of the ticket will be retained by the purchasing player for verification purposes. In the event you will not be present for the drawing, you may place the envelope number you wish to pick on the back of the ticket. If a player is not present and there is not a number on the chosen ticket, a card will be randomly drawn. Do not write nicknames or abbreviations. 4. Each Tuesday (unless otherwise posted) at 8:00 PM, a name will be drawn from the tickets purchased that week. If you show up after 8:00 PM, and your name was announced 3 times, you will be considered not present. The StillFire Management clock is the official clock. Drawings will not be held on holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas eve, Christmas) that fall on Tuesday. 5. The total prize Jackpot will continue to accumulate weekly until the QUEEN OF HEARTS is drawn. The Jackpot amount, based on ticket sales, will be updated daily and prominently displayed in the Taproom area. 6. If your name is drawn, you get to choose a card (envelope). If the chosen card is the QUEEN OF HEARTS, the winner will receive 50% of the Jackpot. In the event you are not present, your name is drawn, and you are the QUEEN OF HEARTS winner, you will receive 25% of the Jackpot. The remaining 25% will be used as the starting amount for the next game. In either situation 50% of the winning Jackpot will go to that Round’s Charity as chosen by Phoenix Roasters, which will be displayed in the taproom. 7. If the QUEEN OF HEARTS is not drawn, the winning payouts are as follows: JOKERS $100, FACE CARDS OR ACES $50, all other cards are $25. If you are not present for the drawing you will receive only half of the amount and the other half will remain in the Jackpot. In all cases, valid identification will be verified before payment of any prize money. 8. In case the QUEEN OF HEARTS is drawn and the person is not an eligible member, then another name will be drawn, and that person will get the benefit of the tab pulled. If the person, not an eligible member, draws a card other than the QUEEN OF HEARTS, that card will be removed from play and the game continues and there will be no payout. 9. Once a card is selected, it will be removed from play and shown face up on the board. Each week after the drawing, all tickets for that week’s drawing will be destroyed. 10.The QUEEN OF HEARTS game board will be displayed in the StillFire Taproom. It will be locked at all times except for the drawing. 11. All winning players are responsible for any and all taxes. A W2-G will be issued for prizes over $1200. NO prize over $1200 will be paid until the W2-G information is completely filed out. If a player is unwilling or unable to provide W2-G information, the prize will revert to StillFire and donated to charity. 12. The owners of StillFire Brewing will make up the Queen of Hearts Committee and will address all discrepancies with final say. If the name on the ticket IS NOT LEGIBLE, the ticket will be considered void and another ticket will be drawn. Face cards and Joker winners will be paid out immediately, jackpot winners will be paid out on Monday after all ticket sales are tabulated. Jackpot amounts will be displayed for players’ information only.